When collecting fees Peelers staff will at all times treat all users of the service with consistency and confidentiality.

The Club is operated on a not for profit basis and is a Scottish Registered Charity (246445). All fees paid to the club are used to pay staff salaries and to develop and sustain the Club.

Fees will be reviewed annually. Fees are currently:

Annual Registration per child - £20.00

Term Time


Monday -Friday - 7.30am -8.55am

Monday – Thursday – 3.15pm – 5.55pm

Friday – 12.30pm – 5.55pm

Monday – Thursday - £12.00 per day

Friday - £16.00

Full week - £64.00


Breakfast Club -£5.00 per day 

Holiday/In Service days

Monday – Friday

Full day – 8.30am – 5.30pm

Half day – 8.30am – 1.00pm/1.00pm - 5.30pm

Full day - £25.00

Half day - £17.00

Full week - £125.00

Non Peelers children

Full day - £30.00

Half day - £25.00

Fees shall be paid monthly on reciept of an invoice

Payment is to be made by Direct Debit, Standing order, Bank transfer or childcare vouchers.

Cancellation of Places

Two weeks’ notice, in writing, must be given to the Manager to cancel any child’s placement. If this notice is not given then full payment for the notice period is required.

Cancellations – Term Time

All children are allocated set days as per application. All cancellation to these days are subject to full payment. Children requiring to change their days may do so by discussing your need with the Manager who will look at availability. If there is no availability for your needs your child may go on the waiting list for the required days.

Cancellations – Holiday Club

All cancellations on holidays and In Service days are subject to the full fee for that day, once we have reached the closing date.

Once a booking is made it can only be changed in extreme circumstances once discussed with the Manager. The changing of days that have been booked is subject to availability and staff ratios.

College/University Payments

When using Peelers out with College/University term or out with agreed days for College/University funding, payment must be made by the parent/guardian.

Late Payment of Fees

A letter will be issued after the first week of non-payment. If payment has not been received by the end of the second week the children concerned will be dismissed from the Club until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.

When all debts have been cleared, should you wish to reuse the Club you will be required to re-register and pay a registration fee.

Recovery of Debt

If fees are not paid to the Club the debt may be passed to a debt collection agency or to the Small Claims Court. This could result in a County Court Judgement.

Financial Difficulty

If you are experiencing financial difficulties please speak to the Co-ordinator in the first instance who will in turn talk with the Treasurer.

The Citizens Advice Bureau can also help. They can be contacted at:

Shiel House

Shiel Walk


01506 432977

We are located at:

Garden Place Peel Primary Community Wing


EH54 6RA

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:



Or use our contact form.

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Peelers After School & Holiday Club Ltd